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Rust | Troubleshooting uMod and Rcon Issues in Rust

Rust is an intricate game with a reputation for being quite unforgiving, where even the tiniest discrepancies can lead to game-breaking issues.

If you've recently installed the uMod mod and are experiencing rcon (remote console) troubles, don't worry! There's a quick fix you can apply to get things running smoothly again.

Follow these steps:

  1. Stop your Rust server.
  2. On the left-hand side, navigate to file manager > oxide

  1. Locate and select uMod.config.json, right-click it and edit it.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the configuration file and find the array labeled OxideRcon.
  2. Check the value of enabled. If it's set to true, change it to false to disable the uMod rcon.

  1. Click Save & Exit
  2. Start your Rust server again.
  3. Allow some time for the rcon functionality to activate, as it may take a few minutes after the server starts up.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any rcon-related issues caused by the uMod mod installation. Remember, Rust can be sensitive to changes, so double-check your configurations to ensure a smooth gaming experience.