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Satisfactory | Satisfactory Dedicated Server Console Commands

Here is a list of console commands for dedicated servers, specifically for version 5.0.4 and later. As of this version, the console tab in the server manager is the only method to execute these commands.

quitstop or exit - Shuts down the FactoryServer.exe service.
server.SaveGame saveNameCreates a save of the current session named saveName. For a save name with spaces, use quotation marks around the name.
FG.AutosaveInterval xxxSets the interval for Autosave in seconds.
FG.NetworkQuality xxxConfigures the network quality for the game server. 3 corresponds to the "Ultra" setting in the game client.
FG.DisableSeasonalEvents xReplace x with 1 to disable or 0 to allow the FICSmas event. Requires a server restart.

For more details and information, you can refer to the source.