Project Zomboid | All console commands for project zomboid
please note:
When using commands from the Control Panel's web console, you will not need to add a /
(forward slash) before commands.
General Commands
Name | Description | Syntax |
additem | Gives an item to the player. | /additem "user" "module.item" |
addvehicle | Spawns a vehicle. | /addvehicle "user" |
addxp | Gives XP to a player. | /addxp "user" "perk=XP" |
alarm | Sounds a building alarm at the admin’s position. Must be in a room. | /alarm |
changeoption | Changes a server option. | /changeoption option="newOption" |
chopper | Places a helicopter event on a random player. | /chopper |
changepwd | Changes your password. | /changepwd "pwd" "newPwd" |
createhorde | Spawns a horde near a player. | /createhorde "number" |
godmode | Makes a player invincible. | /godmode "user" |
gunshot | Makes a gunshot noise near the player. | /gunshot |
help | Brings up the help menu. | /help |
invisible | Makes a player invisible to zombies. | /invisible "user" |
noclip | Allows a player to pass through solid objects. | /noclip "user" |
quit | Saves and quits the server. | /quit |
releasesafehouse | Releases a safehouse you own. | /releasesafehouse |
reloadoptions | Reloads server options. | /reloadoptions |
replay | Records and plays a replay for a moving player. | /replay “user” [-record, -play, -stop] “filename” |
save | Saves the current world. | /save |
sendpulse | Toggles sending server performance info to the client. | /sendpulse |
showoptions | Shows a list of current server options and values. | /showoptions |
startrain - stoprain | Starts and stops rain on the server. | /[start, stop]rain |
teleport | Teleports to a player. | /teleport "toUser" or /teleport "user" "toUser" |
teleportto | Teleports to certain coordinates. | /teleportto x,y,z |
Moderation Commands
Name | Description | Syntax |
addalltowhitelist | Adds all current users connected with a password to the whitelist. | /addalltowhitelist |
adduser | Adds a new user to the whitelist. | /adduser "user" "pwd" |
addusertowhitelist - removeuserfromwhitelist | Adds/removes a single user connected with a password to the whitelist. | /addusertowhitelist "user" |
banid - unbanid | Bans/unbans a Steam ID. | /[ban, unban]id "SteamID" |
banuser - unbanuser | Bans/unbans a user. | /[ban, unban] "user" |
grantadmin - removeadmin | Gives or removes admin rights to a user. | /[grantadmin, removeadmin] "user" |
kickuser | Kicks a user from the server. | /kickuser "user" |
players | Lists all connected players. | /players |
servermsg | Broadcast a message to all players. | /servermsg "message" |
setaccesslevel | Set the access/permission level of a player. | /setaccesslevel "user" "[admin, moderator, overseer, gm, observer]" |
voiceban | Ban a user from using the voice feature. | /voiceban "user" [-true, -false] |