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Arma 3 | How To Configure RCON

Log into the Hyper Layer game control panel and navigate to your Arma 3 hosting service.

  1. First, go into configuration files and look for battleye\beserver.cfg. All your rcon details should be there.

    If that file does not exist, then follow the steps below:

    • Open the File Manager and navigate to the battleye directory.
    • Create a file called beserver.cfg.
    • Fill the contents of this newly created file accordingly (Please don't include the angle brackets <>):
      • RConPort: <this is listed on your control panel home page>
      • RConPassword <your desired password>
For instance
RConPassword changeme
MaxPing 300
RConIP your_servers_ip
RConPort your_server_rcon_port
  1. Save the file and restart the server.